Photography: Broadway Studio

Jennifer is a graduate of Cambridge University and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, where she was a Leverhulme Scholar and winner of the Jo and Martin Furber Prize for Opera. In 2020 she made her critically acclaimed Opera North debut as Flora in The Turn of the Screw, returning to sing Gretel Hansel and Gretel (Opera North: Whistle Stop tour) and cover Anne Egerman A Little Night Music (Opera North and Leeds Playhouse).

In 2024, Jennifer sings the role of Rose in Don’t Step on the Cracks - a new opera from Laura Bowler and Sam Redway, in development at ROH Linbury Theatre. She also returns to Opera North as cover Alice in Will Todd’s Wonderland Restored.

Further engagements include Little Red Little Red Riding Hood (Northern Opera Group), Barbarina Le nozze di Figaro (West Green House Opera), Flora The Turn of the Screw (Bury Court Opera), First Boy The Magic Flute (WNO), Peep Bo The Mikado (Charles Court Opera), cover Blondchen The Abduction from the Seraglio and cover Emmie Albert Herring (both for The Grange Festival). Further roles include Patience Patience, Mabel The Pirates of Penzance, Josephine HMS Pinafore and Suor Genovieffa Suor Angelica (Opera Anywhere), ensemble Messiah (Merry Opera), Felicity and cover Adele Die Fledermaus (Opéra de Baugé), Bacchis La belle Hélène (Opera della Luna / New Sussex Opera), Belinda Dido and Aeneas (The Baroque Collective), Galatea Acis and Galatea, Morgana AlcinaRosaura Pinocchio, Cupid Venus and Adonis (Sforza) and Iris Semele (Sforza and HGO), Iphis Jephtha (St Cecilia Chorus), Tytania A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Opera Links) and Nightingale L’Enfant et les sortilèges (Bute Park Opera).
Jennifer is passionate about creating new work. In 2019 she worked on a new opera, Façons tragiques de tuer une femme with composer Diana Soh and librettist Richard Dubelski as part of an ENOA residency at Snape Maltings, and in 2020 sang Aimee in Christopher Schlechte-Bond’s new online opera The Den, recorded in isolation during the pandemic for OperaHarmony.
As a chorister, she has appeared with Opera North (Carmen and Parsifal), The Grange Festival (Belshazzer, Seraglio, Falstaff, Candide, Carmen) and ENO (Macbeth - Chandos recording).
On the concert platform, solo engagements include Handel Israel in Egypt (Florilegium / Wimbledon Choral Society), the Bush Christmas Cantata and Mozart Vesperae di Dominica, Schutz Christmas Story with Armonico Consort (Cadogan Hall), Mozart Vesperae di Confessore, Mozart Requiem, Pergolesi Stabat Mater, Brahms Requiem and Handel Messiah. 

Jennifer is a regular recording artist for film and TV with London Voices, and has also appeared with The Sixteen, Britten Sinfonia Voices, Southwell Festival Voices, Tenebrae, Armonico Consort Soloists and Musica Beata.


  • “There are also superb performances from...Jennifer Clark as Barbarina”

    Music OMH

  • “Jennifer Clark silver-voiced as Gretel...energetic and communicative” 

    The Reviews Hub

  • “Jennifer Clark's excellent portrayal”

    The Times (The Turn of the Screw, Opera North, 2020)

  • “Jennifer Clark fields a sparky Bacchis”  

    The Stage

  • “Outstanding”  

    Lark Reviews (La Belle Hélène, Opera della Luna / New Sussex Opera, 2019)

  • “Jennifer Clark's precise, self-assured Flora”

    The Stage

  • “Highly pleasing” 

    MusicOMH (The Turn of the Screw, Bury Court Opera, 2019)

  • “Pure lineal magic” 

    Louise Flind, The Argus (King Arthur, New Sussex Opera, 2016)
